
My name is Mujtaba Shareef, I am a sincere student of Quran, Seerah and Hadith. I make every effort to learn and understand from various scholars, the true message of Islam, through their books, videos and audios. Following the saying of Prophet “Convey from me even an Ayah of the Qur'an”, my aim is to share my learnings.

This is the motivation behind starting Fussilat Academy. Our team try to share simple messages of Islam through small lectures, PowerPoint slides, audio, video clips and other infographics. We provide useful resources meant for general Muslims. We believe that every Muslim has responsibility of spreading the message of the Quran and Sunnah.

Three examples of our recent work, first is the Birds Eye View Quran where we tried to provide brief summaries of Quran page by page highlighting some key lessons from the Quran. Click here to read more about this project. Secondly, we created Birds Eye View Seerah, the purpose is to provide an overview of the events from the life of Prophet. You can look at the details here. Thirdly, along with a group or volunteers, we recently organized Youth Seerah Conference. The purpose was to encourage young generation to read about prophet and share learning by speaking at this conference

Currently, we are working on Treasures of the Quran, Quran Surah Summaries in illustrated format.

By profession, I am a PhD in environmental engineering, currently working at a government entity in Calgary, Canada. I also have been teaching various engineering courses as Sessional Professor. You can take a look at my professional profile here. I do not have any formal Islamic education, but have attended many informal learning sessions, and halaqas of many esteemed scholars and gained significant knowledge of Islam. I always look for guidance from our esteemed scholars. I have been closely associated with Understand Quran Academy learned and taught their courses on understanding Quran and salah and contribute to their various projects.